
What is my purpose?

To be the best version of myself?

I feel the Ebbs and Flows of life and there are times when I feel better and times when I feel worse. Maybe my purpose should be just to have fun.

My purpose could be to breathe

My purpose most certainly is to BE HERE NOW

I feel so ridiculous at times. I feel like I’m chaos and so behind others. I feel like the joke has gone over my head.

I’m figuring it out. I’m young. I’m accepting that I’m human. Im on a journey, Im taking step after step.

My purpose might be to move and to walk.

But also to rest.

What is my purpose?

It could be to let go of figuring it out.

It could be just to do what I want.

To choose something and go with it.

To commit to my life and the experiences I want to have.

To make mistakes. To grow and learn.

I remind myself daily I am loved and Im enough.

Im human. I know we are all connected.

I know you are struggling because I am too. Im sorry and I wish I could do more for you. You know who you are.

My first step is just a step. No one can take it for me. Once I get running I know there will be others alongside me running too. Separation is an illusion. I choose to share my truth, see the truth, live my truth.

My truth is I don’t know what my purpose truly is. So Im just going to take steps instead. Im going to grown and learn and stay ready for whatever test comes my way. Im not going to run from anything. Im going to run towards my dreams and goals. Im going to run towards truth and love. Im going to encourage others to get on their feet. Im going to allow others to be them and learn the lessons they need. Im going to do what feels right. Im going to keep balancing. Im going to get up with I fall. Im not going to hide my failures. Im going to learn from my failures, and Im going to apologize when I knock someone else down. Im sorry if Ive knocked you down in the past. I can’t promise to not do it again because Im going so fast and its hard not to fail. But Im getting better and better. Im capable of great things but Im still capable of failing, just like everyone else.

I love you

I love me

Your life matters

My life matters

Much much love


Lil update:

Im in Argentina at a little house on the side of the road multiple hours from El Chaltén. We ran out of gas and got really lucky here. We met very nice people who gave us a place to stay, food, and a safe place to hang out while we wait for someone to bring us gas. Or I will hitch hike a couple hours to town to get gas and come back. Who knows. Regardless It’s nice, Im here now, I love Argentina, I love the people, I love who Im with.

Everything is great. Im learning and growing and enjoying the process. I flow and have ups and downs and I work through them.

Im here now. Im grateful.

Clayton Koob

I’ve created this space through years of work on myself, with the help of many amazing people. I’m so thankful my path has brought me here. Thank you for joining :)


Happy March


San Francisco-Chile-Argentina