Exchange of Energy

How we chose to react to negative energy from others is a disproportional factor in one's ability to live in happiness and joy. Do we fuel the fire, or do we put it out? Do we run into the burning building? Or do we walk away and let the fire burn out? There is no right answer, except to recognize when our actions and energy are going into places that only contribute to the negative outcomes, relationships, or thoughts; fueling our egos or that of others. 

For instance, in our personal relationships, how do we know if they are positive or negative? It may, of course, be obvious, that the person may be inherently unhappy, mean, or un empathetical, perhaps they only talk about themselves, or never actually listen. In other words, is this person of the ego? I have often found it is far more important to reflect on how spending time and energy with someone actually feels. Becoming in touch with the exchange of energy between you and another person is far more meaningful than playing back the conversation. 

Identifying how we truly feel before, during, and after an event, or exchange of energy gives us so much clearer insight into the deeper nature of our relationships with said person or activity. It guides us on if we should continue to give our precious time and energy it requires. 

Is it the simple question of a healthy exchange of energy? Is looking at your phone scrolling news aggregation sites or social media endlessly a healthy energy exchange? Is allowing your friend or family member to constantly use you to complain about their life a fair use of your time? Is a person giving me what I need? Or are they simply taking my energy and using it for their own needs? Does it feel right?

The more we are able to ask this question and answer it honestly. Setting aside our ego, without the use of thought. Instead, using our inner intuition and the ability to feel. Feeling deeper truth of how the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual energy exchange is actually being expressed. When practiced well, we gain awareness and consciousness to escape cycles of negative energy thus moving towards healthier deeper relationships. 


Clayton Koob

I’ve created this space through years of work on myself, with the help of many amazing people. I’m so thankful my path has brought me here. Thank you for joining :)


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