The Work

People have been asking me what I do for work. Ive been telling them I started a business and I’m coaching people.

I’ve been doing the work on myself that I need to show up in a space as the most loving version of myself. To create the most value. To do the most good.

Working on my own balance, to be centered.

It’s not easy work but it’s the most rewarding.



My purpose is to be my best and to let others be their best too. To grow, learn and connect with others, adding value to the world through experiences. To align energetically to the universe.

I’ve been creating the reality I want

Ive been willing to make mistakes

Ive been going internal

Ive been repeating four mantras regularly


This is the work I’ll stay up late for and wake up early for. The work I’ll happily put in overtime for.

The work doesn’t feel like work tho.

It feels like walking a mountainous trail with no summit.

Focus on and enjoy the journey!!

Forget alllllllll about the possibility of a summit.

But be.

Clayton Koob

I’ve created this space through years of work on myself, with the help of many amazing people. I’m so thankful my path has brought me here. Thank you for joining :)


December 6


Motivation Monday