8 Limb Yoga Part 6

Well that was a fun hideous from the blog, and this 8 part project.

I need to make a confession: I want to be perfect and produce the best for this world because I am subconsciously afraid of disappointment. I’m afraid of disappointing people I care about. I think That’s why I avoid accomplishing my big goals, because I’m afraid of what people will say when i finish. “ya cool but you had support”, or “well you took away that opportunity from someone else by choosing to be selfish”

Therapy has been really good lately. My meditation and yoga practice has been picking back up.

I’m been more present and less binge eating or smoking.

I’M NOT PERFECT AND I WILL NEVER BE. I already am disappointing people who think we are ruining the planet by having 8 billion people. So my life is a disappointment and stress to them. Hmmmmm

If i step into a church I’m disappointing a satanist.

If i die before my mom, she will be disappointed.

Whatever I do I want to support me. But that’s hard when I have very extreme thoughts at times. I’m not my thoughts.

———————-okay part 6—————————

The sixth step or limb or part is Dharana which is Concentration.

For this part, find things you can give your full concentration to. For me I like Rock climbing or Highlining or trail running. It is like the flow state(look into this), it is a way to achieve optimal human performance(from what Ive heard)

You can practice Dharana in many forms. Visualizing a candle flame as u meditate, or try to walk very slowly and stay balanced and stable the whole time. You can sew or nit. Regardless of what you do, give it 100% focus.

To me this step makes me think of human mastery. THose humans who are the most successful in their field have put in a lotttttt of concentration.

Time to practice. And let go of this being perfect.

THanks for reading

Much love


Clayton Koob

I’ve created this space through years of work on myself, with the help of many amazing people. I’m so thankful my path has brought me here. Thank you for joining :)


8 Limb Yoga Part 7


Sex Education