8 Limb Yoga Part 7

Here we go. MEDITATION - Dhyana, the second to last step in the 8 limb path to being-ness, or held presence.

I just recently finished The Power of Now By: Eckhart Tolle. I highly recommend this book for achieving what the 8 limb path directs us toward. Sustained presence. This book is more of a Western approach, verses the Eastern approach of Astanga.

Meditation was an integral part of the Yoga Teacher Training course I went through. It was something that felt more beneficial than the asana(movement) practice. I think this is because stillness and mindfulness were newer to me. I began to see my thoughts like passing clouds in the sky. Or like sheep in a field. I began to realize I was the watcher of these thoughts, not the thoughts themselves. Meditation was prescribed to me in early college when my parents were going through a divorce. My therapist at the time walked me through several guided meditations. I began to really enjoy the little glimpses of bliss(no thoughts, or non-identification to thoughts that were berating me on a constant basis.

For someone with extreme thoughts, I believe, meditation is really important. It allows you to step back as the watcher, observer, or as awareness itself.

This makes me think of a Baba Ram Dass quote: I am loving awareness. I am loving, awareness.

The practice of meditation is easy to begin and has a multitude of methods of entry. I recommend simple 5 minutes guided meditations on Youtube or Spotify. Sitting upright in a chair is much easier than full lotus. Simply observe. Even a half second is progress.

At the peak of my meditation practice I was sitting in half lotus for an hour, with nothing playing. Simply me and reality. This is not the goal. The goal is no goal. See what happens. See if you can be still and present with yourself.

Love yourself.

Be you.

Thank you for reading, much love :)

Clayton Koob

I’ve created this space through years of work on myself, with the help of many amazing people. I’m so thankful my path has brought me here. Thank you for joining :)


8 Limb Yoga Part 8


8 Limb Yoga Part 6