Figuring out my own balance

Life isn’t easy. Ive been to the lowest lows, and in a few notable drops I was ready to give up.

Life is the greatest. Ive been to the highest highs and could’ve died and been happy.

I want to be a man of balance and moderation but I’ve found myself at extremes constantly. How do I get back after extremes? How do I return to center?

At first I let go. I experience both fully. I move through the feelings by being them for time needed. I check in with myself, write, look back, look forward, meditate and look inward presently, all out of love for myself. I be the best friend, the parent, the mentor, and the teacher, for myself. Im honest and raw with myself, but Im kind. I’m humble.

I listen to what feels right.

Currently Ive been playing a lot. I think I’ve only worked a month and a half this year… I’ve felt called to work for myself no matter the cost. I’ve prayed things would work out for me. They have in ways I didn’t know I needed. Been riding crazy emotional and mental waves and trusting that if I just take action on what feels right in my gut and soul, then I’ll enjoy the waves and find beauty in them. I’ve travels and changed so much on these metaphorical waves.

I’m In Yosemite playing around in so many many ways that make me happy. Ive felt called to live closely to the land and use my body and mind to their full potential. I’ve felt for years I need to find out what this earth, and universe has to offer, and to get the full experience. The problem is I don’t know what that is fully and clearly. So I’m just doing what feels right.

Im figuring it out currently. Always. I don’t know whats coming. I don’t know where I’ll be.

I know I have to take care of myself and love myself. Always. It doesn’t stop. When I stop doing that Things go wrong. They will regardless so I might as well not add to them with my actions, or lack of action.

Im figuring it out. I know I want to add value to others lives and the universe, and the earth, and to myself. That’s the reason behind most of my actions. Im still learning the right balance between all of them.

That’s why I’m doing this. Sharing this. The website. Instagram. Working with others. Playing. Adventuring. Climbing. Highlining. Working for myself. I’m doing the things I’m doing because they feel right in my gut and soul.

I’m willing to be broke, dirty, ragged, and lose everything. Because this life. It’s worth it. All of it.

It feels right, right now. So many challenges along the way, I trust I’ll get through them.

For anyone who reads this: (or doesn’t)

I love you. Thanks for being in this life. Thanks for sharing this home and consciousness with me. Thanks for being apart, and welcoming me to the WHOLE, THE ONE, LOVE, THE UNIVERSE. Whatever this is, Im down and I’m stoked. I go through waves and Im sorry about that, I know it affects you. Thank you for allowing me to be me and accepting me.

Clayton Koob

I’ve created this space through years of work on myself, with the help of many amazing people. I’m so thankful my path has brought me here. Thank you for joining :)




Clayton Koob You’re Loved