YTT Story Share

Share Your Story! In 1,000 words or less, we want to hear your story! What has your journey been like leading up to this moment?

I chose to go to YTT because I felt a sense of frustration, stuck and trapped, as well as clouded and lost. To help this I was about to sign up for an 8 month 200 hour YTT through a studio I practiced with. My friend who had gone to Peru for the SYI 200 hour course, told me about it and gave it a 10/10 recommendation. I wasn’t scared about a 21 day all immersive course because I was at the point of needing help, I was scared about about my life path and journey. Instant relief came over me knowing I had something lined up that was supposed to be transformational. This relief brought on all kinds of good opportunity for me.

I started taking care of myself. I connected more with others. I was even offered a flight to South America to join my friends journey of building out a van and traveling around Patagonia.

Next step Argentina, in a tent for 3 months leading up to the training, climbing, highlining, and exploring. This was a transformational trip that shaped me and gave me purpose and is a story for another day. I made it to Cusco just in time for Training.

As I waited at the buss stop in Cusco I cried. Balled. Realized how scared I was to strip myself down and be vulnerable in a way I was not prepared for. Fear and feelings of why I was coming were coming back to me. I was overwhelmed. Maybe because of the switch up, from on the move every day, to sitting with myself and strangers for the next 21 days.

I met everyone quickly, found my spot and closed my eyes to sleep on the buss. In and out of consciousness I peaked out at the mountains as we rode down the windy mountain roads. Nervous as we toured the retreat center, trying to make small talk with people who would later come to feel like brothers and sisters.

As I reconnected with my purpose of being there I felt weight lifted off of me. I thank the teachers and new friends for their vulnerability, love, and compassion, which helped me feel safe enough to slow down and find my center, and inner awareness. This helped me share my purpose, as well as lack of purpose at times. It/they helped me to come to terms with the clouds and confusion, as well as the joyfullness and playfullness I had inside. I was aware for the first time of my self sabotaging and judging, keeping me from actually showing up and charing. I was aware of the connection to others, to something much larger than all of us, and to myself. Lots of crying, laughing, and learning that I can still feel vibrating within me.

The Temazcal ceremony after Serpent cycle was very pivotal. This is day 5. We stripped ourselves down as much as we could through the ceremony. I felt weight I didn’t even know could be lifted come off of me. This helped me show up through the rest of the training. It helped me see the people around me as people just like me. It helped me feel safe and supported. It helped me feel strong and confidence. It made me feel my weakness and helped me show up for myself when this is the case.

I will take away many new things that will help me show up and stand up for and in my life. I will give these back to many people and places by being me, loving myself, and having love to give. With my certification specifically I will get involved with community and teach in many ways. I have big aspirations for life and YTT with SYI helped me more clearly see them and act in accordance with them.

I want to Empower and Connect with others through sharing my story, through being an example, through vulnerability, acceptance, love, and compassion for myself, and for others. I want to live life, not judge myself and scare myself from living.

This YTT course made me feel the smallest as well as the largest I’ve ever been(yes the buffet is that good), by taking me internal. The safety and love I felt from the whole environment around me allowed me to show up when I was at the lowest of lows and highest of highs. This gave me more space to place my center, and tune into life.

After training It almost feels like nothing has changed. Although Im not seeking transformation anymore. I feel a larger sense of acceptance, love, and compassion. I thought they would be apart of the training, but they became to be one of the best gifts. My practice has been more beneficial and positive than it has been. My lows have been easier, because I show up for me when Im there.

I received many new friends from SYI 200hr YTT in Peru. These people are another home to me now. Munay Sonqo is another home to me now. Im home to me now.

Thank you to SYI for putting on such an incredible course, providing a safe and supportive environment, and giving me what I needed to come back into the world.

This was my reflection to SYI for the course

It is so hard to put into words what actually happened, what I felt, and how I feel now. Im glad I reflected and typed this out. My journals contain a lot about the training but to have questions and give answers for the school itself, is proving to be value within me.

Im still making sense of the past 6 months, or even year of my life. Maye even the past 12. SHit, really 26 years. Ill be 27 in a little over a month. Im learning to ask, and listen, and be mindful. Im learning to slow down. Im still going fast though.

Im grateful. Heres a little poem thing, word share something below.

Wild, this thing we call life

Beautiful is the silence and pauses

How bright a light is after being immersed in darkness .

How I choose to think is how I choose to see.

Im starting to see better than ever.

I had to get lost to be found and low to get high.

I will give this wild ride my best try.

much love

your life matters


Clayton Koob

I’ve created this space through years of work on myself, with the help of many amazing people. I’m so thankful my path has brought me here. Thank you for joining :)


Update Post BDAY 8/2


8 Limb Yoga Part 5