Who am I?

I am a human being. A natural, wild, free being who is living on Planet Earth with billions of other humans and trillions of other beings. We are sharing this home and we get to navigate all of the challenges and celebrations life has to offer here. I am building my intelligence and skill sets. I am here to grow, learn, and change form, just like water, earth, fire, and wind. I have no requirements other than to live. To survive here. I can love, hate, enjoy, get involved, help, or hurt. It’s completely up to me how I react to life. It’s up to me to choose what survival means. It’s up to me to ask for help, to lead, to follow, to rejoice, to share, to love. There is no perfect moment except for the one right now. Now there is endless opportunity. I am partially what Ive learned because I act, based on that information. The more I accept responsibility for my past the better I will see my present. The more “mind control” I have over my current reactions and decisions the more in harmony I can show up with. Ive felt the most out of control or done things that got me and others in trouble when Ive acted from a place of unconsciousness.

I am a simple yet complex being that will function or act regardless of my consciousness or not. Humans want to live and survive no matter the cost. I am living in an abundant world and reality, yet at times have acted out of a place of scarcity. I put myself there for many reasons I can get into later, but it seems to only create more scarcity. I am who I believe I am. I am how I show up right now. I am who I am when I’m alone. I am who I am when I’m in an endless sea of people dancing under the full moon.

I am more than the name given to me. I am Clayton Michael Koob, and so so soooo much more. I am apart of the whole. I am here for a reason. I am here to find out why through asking myself and others why. I’m here to learn and grow and change. I’m here to rest, enjoy, and love.

I am a Balance Coach because I choose to be. I help people because I need help and because i know what its like to want help and not know how to ask for it. I am typing this because I want to be a better sharer and teacher and friend, and son, and human.

I am a reflection of my actions but I’m not my actions.

I am here right now. I am grateful to be here.

Much love

I love you

I love me

Your life matters

My life matters

Our home matters


Clayton Koob

I’ve created this space through years of work on myself, with the help of many amazing people. I’m so thankful my path has brought me here. Thank you for joining :)


Cusco Day 2


Some current feelings