Koob’s Balance Blog
My free place to share. Overshare and/or Undershare. To serve myself and those who read. To bring value, add value. To update those who don’t have Social Media. To have my own space to play, to process, to create, and just be me.
Whatever I want. Respect and love for this magnificent being I am. I want to share me, to encourage love.
I will eventually put adds here to help support the life and dream I want to live. Life is worth it. I’m trying.
Kicking Crying Screaming
Thank you Dad for loving me no matter how many times you’ve seen me at my worst. You really are a roll model and someone I look up too
What am I doing?
Something from my last day in Vegas. A short failed trip led to me walking to the airport and heading back to my van in Reno. All in all such a great time and so grateful for time spent with all involved.